Highly Sensitive People Possess Surprisingly Strong Mental Strength

Photo by TRF_MR_HYDE, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-commercial license.
Upon discovering this Marlon Brando quote here I was shocked and moved to explore not only Marlon Brando and his sensitivity but also my own and the conclusion I have come to is this: as highly sensitive people we possess surprisingly strong mental strength.

This must surely be one of 'the' perks of being a HSP alongside these 3 traits I mentioned in my last article although looking back on my own life as an example - gaining it isn't easy.

 Highly Sensitive People and Their 'Armor'

Although I'm a highly sensitive person, I have developed this ability to switch on this 'armor' that Marlon Brando spoke of at will, whenever it is needed and as a result of this, I too have been perceived as 'insensitive' by those around me at the time of my switch-over into my armored state.

This couldn't be further from the truth, however, because under that armor I'm still a highly sensitive person who is sensitive to the emotions of others, compassionate, intuitive and gentle. 

I believe that each highly sensitive person over time, develops this mental strength and the ability to become insensitive, unsensitive - call it what you will - whenever the need arises. This isn't to say that highly sensitive people walk around sporting this armor all the time, quite the opposite. We have the ability, but only when extreme circumstances call for it, at least in most cases.

Any highly sensitive person who is past twenty, has already developed this ability and mental strength, unless he or she has been locked away their entire lives, which in today's world is quite impossible.

Being as incredibly sensitive as we are is a lifelong challenge which forces us to evolve and adapt and because of this we become 'actors' like Marlon Brando who one moment appear fragile and the next moment powerful. No doubt this is bewildering to our family and friends.

Still, it shows just how mentally strong highly sensitive people become throughout their lives.

Like a rose, we possess a fragile beauty, but try to rough us up and you just might get pricked ...

Anyway, my sensitive friends. Do you often use your 'armor' ability? When do you use it? Could you share a story with us?

Thanks for reading.



The 3 Best Aspects of Highly Sensitive People

By MrHope (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons

As a highly sensitive person, I'm well aware that it ain't all sunshine and rainbows! In fact, it can be pretty darn hard trying to exist alongside NON-HSPs without having to hide away every now and then. It's either that or turn into a trembling, paranoid wreck and I have been through that more than enough to last a lifetime!

 Anyway, this post is to celebrate, not moan and complain so here we go.

 These are, in my opinion, the best 3 aspects of highly sensitive people:

Intuition - As HSPs our intuition is so finely and precisely tuned-in to psychic, emotional and thought energy all around us that we are able to detect shifts in the waves emanating from those animals, people and even objects around us. The strength of the intuition obviously differs from person to person but in HSPs it is far stronger and therefore, a valuable asset to us. Listen to it, its urgings, longings, warnings etc, and you will go far. Ignore it and you'll suffer as a HSP lost in a NON-HSP world.

 "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ~ Albert Einstein

Speed and Reflexes - Now, this is definitely my 'second' favorite after intuition because ever since I was young I have routinely shocked people around me with my speed and reflexes. Granted, we don't always appear this way at first because we are quite peaceful, tranquil creatures as HSPs, however, when called upon our reflexes are incredibly fast.

 "I'm one of the most sensitive human beings on Earth - and I know it."
                                                                     -Jean Claude Van Damme

 Amazing Creativity - Quite clearly, this is a by-product of our sensitive brains which process more information than NON-HSPs. Yes, we do take longer to make decisions and to think on things due to the higher volume of information we process, but because we process more, we have far more to call upon when utilizing our creative faculty! We are able to call upon and re-enact the feelings, emotions and particular stimuli of memories and experiences and from those come a stream of ideas and visions. We are not only highly sensitive people but we are also highly creative people!

What are your favorite aspects of being sensitive?

Thanks for stopping by.

See you soon. Peace.


First of all, I Just Want to Say - It is a Gift to be Highly Sensitive

Hey there, and welcome to the first post of this new blog - Thoughts for Highly Sensitive People!

I have written several articles on what it is to be a HSP but never before have I attempted to start and maintain a blog on the trait, however, I am extremely confident of keeping this blog updated on a weekly basis. Why? Well that brings me to the first reason I'm glad to be sensitive - passion. We highly sensitive people are incredibly passionate and determined when it comes to something we care about, especially when concerning our search for acceptance and an understanding of ourselves and others. Yes, we do shy away from the public eye and 'seem' shy, but while we are recuperating behind closed doors and recharging our batteries after a long day exposed to the emotions of others, we are getting things done.

Our high level of sensitivity does not allow for idleness and stagnation, oh no, far from it. Such is the strength of our level of feeling and inner-connectedness. We are always working on something, driven by our ability to notice everything, including our own lack of ambition. Of course it isn't only that which causes us to be so active, or at least desiring of being active. Our acute sensitivity has bred a uniquely powerful set of senses within us and because of that we are highly creative and often write, draw, paint and spend time on many other artistic hobbies during our time nestled away at home.

I once thought that being sensitive, was a weakness, albeit an accidentally bestowed weakness. Didn't you? I'll bet that most of us do, until we stumble across literature explaining the trait of high sensitivity, and then we are consumed by a hunger for more knowledge about our trait. It was a wonderful turning point in my life, when I realised I wasn't weird, just highly sensitive, and that it was in fact a gift, and not a curse.

During the course of this blog, I'll be scouring the net searching for more information on highly sensitive people as well as writing and sharing articles with you, my fellow HSPs. It's time we were noticed. First and foremost though, it is time we started celebrating our trait.

It's great to be sensitive!!

Here is a wonderful article which explains 25 gifts highly sensitive people have that others may not necessarily have.


25 Wonderful Aspects of Highly Sensitive People - It Rocks to be Highly Sensitive!

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