Highly Sensitive People Possess Surprisingly Strong Mental Strength

Photo by TRF_MR_HYDE, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-commercial license.
Upon discovering this Marlon Brando quote here I was shocked and moved to explore not only Marlon Brando and his sensitivity but also my own and the conclusion I have come to is this: as highly sensitive people we possess surprisingly strong mental strength.

This must surely be one of 'the' perks of being a HSP alongside these 3 traits I mentioned in my last article although looking back on my own life as an example - gaining it isn't easy.

 Highly Sensitive People and Their 'Armor'

Although I'm a highly sensitive person, I have developed this ability to switch on this 'armor' that Marlon Brando spoke of at will, whenever it is needed and as a result of this, I too have been perceived as 'insensitive' by those around me at the time of my switch-over into my armored state.

This couldn't be further from the truth, however, because under that armor I'm still a highly sensitive person who is sensitive to the emotions of others, compassionate, intuitive and gentle. 

I believe that each highly sensitive person over time, develops this mental strength and the ability to become insensitive, unsensitive - call it what you will - whenever the need arises. This isn't to say that highly sensitive people walk around sporting this armor all the time, quite the opposite. We have the ability, but only when extreme circumstances call for it, at least in most cases.

Any highly sensitive person who is past twenty, has already developed this ability and mental strength, unless he or she has been locked away their entire lives, which in today's world is quite impossible.

Being as incredibly sensitive as we are is a lifelong challenge which forces us to evolve and adapt and because of this we become 'actors' like Marlon Brando who one moment appear fragile and the next moment powerful. No doubt this is bewildering to our family and friends.

Still, it shows just how mentally strong highly sensitive people become throughout their lives.

Like a rose, we possess a fragile beauty, but try to rough us up and you just might get pricked ...

Anyway, my sensitive friends. Do you often use your 'armor' ability? When do you use it? Could you share a story with us?

Thanks for reading.




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